When I talk about boudoir photography, one of the responses I hear the most goes something like this, "I would love to do that one day, but not right now, I need to get my body right first"....
I get it. As a woman who has battled loving my body, I GET IT. Right now, as I write this, I have all sorts of battling emotions about where my body is today. Last year I gave birth to my second child, and I just haven't recovered as quickly as I did with my first. I'm in this space too. I'm on this journey with my clients.
It sounds cliche, but I gain strength and confidence from each boudoir session I photograph. I truly do. Being a part of such an intimate and vulnerable experience is absolutely life-giving for me.
This particular session was special for me to do. This lovely lady gave birth to her first child last year, around the same time as I did. She was a bit unsure about how she would feel about the finished gallery, but when she saw them she revealed to me how good it made her feel to see herself this way. This chapter in her life is not very glamorous. It's rewarding, fulfilling, important, exhausting... many things. But not so glamorous. How special for me to be able to capture this beautiful side of her and remind her that 'Mama's still got it!'.